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Good to see you!

Thanks for visiting this site. It's always improving and will continue to be improved to to satisfy my desire for perfection (which of course, won't happen).

Huzefa Huzbi

I believe in a few things and I always try to follow those: work with passion, always try to improve, and keep reading manga and novels.

Uncle Rumble Midjourney Artwork

About Me

Good to see you! I'm Huzefa Huzbi, you can refer to me as Huzbi. I'm a student currently doing Bachelor's in Robotics and Automation at FAST NU, Karachi. I've always been fascinated by amazing web designs and always thought how I can make one for myself as well! This one is still not that one after all, it was created from an inspiration from another Frontend Developer.

Aside from web development, I also love to delve into machine learning, AI, and data science. Those are some interesting fields that are really exciting to me. Just thinking of how training a model with datasets can make them smarter and smarter really intrigues me.

I'm also a huge fan of anime and manga. I've been reading manga and watching anime for a long time now and I've found them to be great inspiration for my works and projects. People say it's bad for your health, but I believe in something different. Manga, anime, novels help bring out your creativity in ways you can't imagine! Just try it out today, you'll see it!

— check out some

Stuff I’ve worked on 💻

AI Anime Image Generator Site

HTML&CSS   Vanilla JS

Creative Coding Portfolio

HTMLCanvas   VanillaJS   Maths&Physics

Text Encryptor

HTML&CSS   VanillaJS   Logics

Artwork Gallery

HTML&CSS   GSAP   Midjourney

Terminal Experience

HTML&CSS   JQuery   Terminal